CWJC members at the 58th annual California Council for the Social Studies March 15-17,2019 in San Jose. About 600 mainly high school teachers and educators throughout Calif. attended this prestigious and well respected conference.
Lillian Sing, Julie Tang, Phyllis Kim and Michael Wong staffed the CWJC booth and distributed hundreds of the Curriculum and Resources for “Comfort Women” Education, published by CWJC and KAFC to California high school teachers.
We spoke to many high school teachers who were either teaching or wanted to teach the “Comfort Women “ history but could not find good materials. They were very impressed with the Resource guide and it’s rich and in depth materials. “This will be my go to guide for everything I need to know when I teach “Comfort Women” history.” One teacher told us.
Thanks to Jonathan kim and his sister Soon Ran Kim, our booth was decorated with a large “Comfort Women” banner. It attracted a lot of teachers who wanted to know more about the Memorial. They also donated mementos such as t- shirts, tooth brushes etc. for us to give away to people who took our Resource Guide.
We also made friends with the Sikh community whose booth was next to ours. They were there to share educational materials about their culture as a way to fight hate crimes and bullying that their community suffers because of the different kinds of clothes they wear.